Saturday 11 April 2015

2 Predictions for WrestleMania 32

1:  The Former Shield members will battle in a Triple threat Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

The former Shield members will battle in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

When they arrived at WrestleMania 29, they were brothers. At WrestleMania 32, they’ll be bitter rivals battling for WWE’s top prize.

With his WrestleMania Moment stolen, Roman Reigns will hunt down Seth Rollins and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship with all his might over the next 12 months. Yet, fight as Reigns may, Rollins will use The Authority to remain champion and keep him oppressed. Until Royal Rumble, that is, when Reigns defies the odds and becomes the first Superstar since “Stone Cold” Steve Austin to win the titular match in back-to-back years, forcing Rollins to settle things once and for all at The Show of Shows.

The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family

But what about Dean Ambrose? The Lunatic Fringe is beginning to crack over his failures to win championships and keep Rollins from cashing in. Instead of letting it break him, though, he’ll use it to put on one of the grittiest performance in Money in the Bank history, winning the coveted contract this year. To torment Rollins, Ambrose will tease him with cash-ins for months. Once Reigns wins the Royal Rumble Match, The Lunatic Fringe will take the opportunity to prove to his former brethren that they should n’t treat him as an afterthought.

Ambrose announces in advance that he will cash in his contract at WrestleMania 32, setting The Grandest Stage of Them All for a battle fans have been salivating to see since the brothers became rivals. Believe that


Monday Night War, The Attitude Era, hell, the ‘90s wrestling boom itself is not over, can’t be over, until we get Sting vs The Undertaker

Now that The Phenom has gotten his groove back at the big dance with a win over Bray Wyatt, dream matches that seemed doomed to limbo after the obliteration of The Streak are now in play. And now that Sting has shown he belongs at WrestleMania, the sky’s the limit on who he might go toe-to-toe with. We’ve always been curious. Sting’s gone on the record about wanting the match. And the WWE Universe definitely still wants it. There are no more roadblocks, no more excuses, nothing left to hold them back. Let The Vigilante and The Last Outlaw loose on each other, and once and for all, may the best man win

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